5000 Toys For Tots by Dec 24 – Can We Do It?

Hey there, what to do on a soggy cloudy rainy day? Give a kid a toy and get a Cd that will perk you up like a blast of sunshine in a dark scary cave with by boring politicians.  I’m referring to my campaign to spread joy through music and toys this holiday and I need your help to make it happen.  Do you remember how excited you were to get toys on X-Mas morning?  Some kids are going to wake up with nothing unless we do something about it.  My goal is help “Toys for Tots” give 5000 kids toys by Dec 24th.  This means I need to sell 5,000 CD’s, but its totally achievable.

What Can You Do?

1) If you don’t already own all Shaka Buku CD’s buy one here by clicking this link  Happy Music

2) Hit the “like” button above which will tell your friends about the campaign.

3) Send a quick email to your closest friends with just a few words like the following..

Sample Email

Hey there, I just wanted to say hi and let you know about a friend of mine Chad who has this really cool music called “Shaka Buku,” which is some of the best upbeat, happy music, you can find.    Right now Chad is doing something I know you and I used to appreciate as kids, he’s trying to pay for 5,000 Toys For Tots by December 24 by donating 50% of everything bought off of his site http://www.shakabuku.com.   Please just visit the home page and watch the video, its really cool music and a fantastic cause.  

Thanks so much for helping me out here.  Together we can reach the 5,000 mark I’m sure of it.  I’ll keep you updated on my progress through my facebook page and here on the site.

Take care, Chad