Rodriguez – A Massive Inspiration to All Artists

I saw a good friend of mine recently and he couldn’t stop telling me to go see this movie called “Searching for Sugarman.”  He just said: “You of all people as an artist will definitely appreciate this movie.”  So of course I went to see it and yes… it blew me away, not because it had a bunch of insane action and cinematography, in that respect it was pretty crappy.  No this was all about the story, a true story, about a guy named Rodriguez was considered an incredible songwriter back in the 60’s and 70’s, but all his albums flopped. At least here in the US that is, in South Africa it turns out he was a rock star who sold over 500,000 albums and everyone thought he was dead.

Searching for Sugarman - Rodriguez

Meanwhile back in Detroit he’d become a demolition worker and pretty much forgot about being a successful musician.  Of course this was in the days prior to the internet boom and the simple access of information.  After some South Africans did some research on Rodriguez they actually found out that he was alive in Detroit.  This was many years after he was rumored as dead from setting himself on fire while on stage.  Its pretty amazing how a story like burning on stage could ever be created completely out of fiction.  Well long story short the South Africans found him through his daughter and invited him to play in an arena with thousands of cheering fans and he’s been touring to sold out concerts ever since this documentary came out.

So what’s the take away for me or any other music artist or artist in general?
Follow your Heart when you Make your Art!  Then eventually this cause set in motion will return in an effect somehow somewhere.  I’m not Christian, I practice Buddhism, but the Bible does have a few great parallels to Buddhism’s law of cause and effect  like the planting of the seed which goes like this:  “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” — Galatians 6:7, The Bible .  And to make this more action oriented consider Jim Rohn an American Business Philosophers interpretation:  “Now, here is the secret to the ambitious sower with good seed. It said he kept on sowing. Now, here’s what he had to do to keep on sowing. He had to discipline his disappointment.”

So the grand moral?  Keep planting good seeds and you will have a harvest.  If you’re seed needs to be improved, then more education and a little digging deeper to pull out the gems is critical to success and having a harvest. Personally I’ve just figured out some marketing tactics and I’m getting amazing feedback for the first time from 10 years of blood sweat, tears and lots of money.  With more marketing and more money behind Chad Scott Music, I feel its inevitable that it reaps a full harvest.

Lots of love to you,  Chad    -Feel Free To Comment Below and tell us your artist story and how it relates to Rodriguez-